Thursday, November 29, 2007

Day 15, 23rd Nov, Friday:
吃了之后回到大厅等吉普车的到来,那QM也忙着分配行李,有了事情做,大家才变得比较有生气一点。东方的天空慢慢的变亮了,吉普车还没来,有些人开始有些不安的频频察看时间,深怕行程会被耽误。到大概六点多吧,5辆吉普车终于全部到齐,能出发了,大家连忙把东西都搬上车,然后回头和Uden, Kim Dzung, Sunom 他们说再见,他们特地起了个清早来送我们,能再一次看到那已熟悉的脸孔,真的好高兴,还有机会再见吗?我不知道…
上了车,Kim Dzung 突然拿出了一堆蓝色的围巾,上面满满的写了经文,给每个人戴上,他说是保佑长寿的,临别时,他说了一句话,让我好感动,他说:我们还会再见面的,在世界的某一个角落,因为世界很小,而我们的寿命还很长。的确,说不定哪天真能在路上碰见他。
车子在颠簸的山路上飞驰,我们车后的最受苦,不停的被抛上抛下,得死命捉着把手才不会被抛离座位。司机像是个在逃命的亡命徒,就连转弯都不减速,比不用安全措施爬rock wall还刺激,每个转角都很险峻,对面随便来一辆车我们都可能一起自由落体到山脚下去,真的只能在后头念阿弥陀佛。
坐了旅行社的巴士到市中心去,整个车程一个小时多,途经许多地方,那也看到前一天那里示威所残留下来的景象,路边有好几辆被放火烧得只剩铁架的车和罗里。到了那里大概5点半,老师让我们自己逛到8点,和往常一样,我,sufiyan和zhan liang这三人组一起逛,走了蛮久的,也买了一些纪念品。那里的夜市真的超多人的,路旁也摆了一堆地摊,也可以看到好多小孩在卖一些小玩意,年纪这么小就得出来赚钱,看他们变得那么市侩,觉得好可怜,他们的童年该是无忧无虑的阿!
大概当地时间12点多登机,这次坐在huiyi 和jia qian 中间。看了电影,吃了飞机餐,睡觉,到新加坡大概是新加坡时间6点半。在机场拿了行李,老师宣布解散,这次印度之旅正式划上了句点。

This trip was a really interesting one, the best I’ve ever had and will always be the best. Everything was great, the trek, the place, the people, the odacers, and the teachers, awesome. We got closer to each other and I believe the strong bonds we forged will make us even more united, yes, 2 weeks of staying together might hav allowed us to discover each others’ flaws, but tat also means tat we really understand each other more and yep, I really feel that we are a family, a happy one. Haha
And I guess all of us really grow a lot and became better person after this trip, indeed, there were lots of occasions where I really saw the good character shown by the odacers, especially the girls, haha all of them are really, special, stand out from the rest, and the guys too, maybe just like how some of the girls said, the guys in odac r nt the ‘typical’ kind of guy. Haha now the above paragraph seems to be transferring 1 message: we rock. Haha but yes, we do. lol
A lot of people to thank. Haha, my climbing partner, wan ping, yes u r damn funny and thx for making the trek so much more interesting and enjoyable, it was really nice talking to u, and being the slacker with me, always walking slowly at the back, but I guess we get to enjoy the trek more than those who chionged haha. Thx man, u and faizah r the greatest climbing partners, lol.
My fellow hut b residents, haha hut b rly rox lar, it’s a pity that jia qian and fanny had to left our hut to hut c, and lao niang got to join in the fun, ok tat’s not a pity, lucky lao niang haha and lucky us to get her in our hut. Anyways, thx for making each and every night in hut b so warm and nice, all the lame shits we had, all the convos, the random 1st-prizes, packing together, brushing teeth together, always being the 1st hut to wake up, laughing together and everything. It was really nice, haha those were the best nights of my life, lol. Haha yep thank you to Josiah and wyemin too, haha 2 of u were always the one sleeping beside me, haha yep it was fun sleeping wif u guys, yep yep not tat we did anything funny, yar haha.
My feasting and shopping partner, zhan liang and sufiyan, you guys rock haha thx for the company and all the feasting and random we had at Gupta, and exploring yuksom wif u all have been uber fun, I guess we really exploited the food and souvenir shops at yuksom haha. And at kolkata as well, all the random walking, zhan liang being the all-time bargainer, sufiyan being the one spending big money all the time, and spotting new/weird stuffs out of those corners that are often neglected. Haha it is always enjoyable to shop with you guys.
All the guys in odac, haha all the feasting and convos we had during the trek, they were really cool, BOIZ ROOZ haha yep yep, it couldn’t have been any better, staying wif u guys are damn fun, thx for all the lozenges and food, yep and it’s always fun playing Bang! Wif u guys, ok lar, wif girls also damn fun, but you know, it’s err easier to play wif guys cos we tend to swear haha. And BEN, we nv forget u during the entire trip, jus look at the amount of photos wif u inside, haha I think even more than me sia lol, u wont miss out much man, we will make sure we stuff you with all the things we did thr once we meet later. Haha you will be drowned haha. You were and are always wif us (inside my money belt most of the time, yar but I DID take you out a lot of times, even on Dzongri top) haha, have fun in USA man, and make sure u bring Mexican chili sauce back for me!
And those who shared the same jeep wif me! Josiah yong sheng denise Rachel and mr seet, haha thank you denise for always being the one stabilizing the jeep and made sure the jeep’s centre of gravity is always on the safer side, haha and the rest of you for all the food and funny shits we had in the jeep. The jeep ride will be so much less endurable without u guys lol
Haha lastly erm, maybe more random one, haha wud like to thx the following ppl for the company: lol kaili, my all time brushing partner during our stay in trekkers’ hut, lol every night sia, my err,cultural exchange group, yong sheng,alex,darryl,zhanliang, haha the trip to the monastery was really nice, haha, it was quite a surprise, the view along the way.
My packing/sleeping partner, wyemin, haha yep thx for ur big ass bag tat went up the mountain wif us, and sleeping wif u fun sia haha XD yar yar and every odacers and teachers, haha very cliché but truthfully, the trip wont be so unbelievably great without any of u, yep it was really memorable, thx for the memory haha.
And 1 thing I noticed after the trip, somehow shitting has became much easier aft the trip, I dunno why, it jus come out so easily lol not that I had constipation or wat, but it really became easier, and shorten the time I spend in the toilet Dunno why, maybe it’s the potato ar. LOL

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