guess i'll spend my whole day typing if i'm gonna type everything tat happened out. so i shall jus say those tat r more significant lol.
hmm let's see. took part in 800m for sports day. haha me and calvin hav decided to pull out at first bt joined bak after seeing only 6 ppl turning up for the event. 4 crossers 1 tracker and 1 hockey guy.LOL we were eyeing for the 7th and 8th position and of course we got wat we wanted HAHA nvm tat's 3 pts for aquila haha.XD at least now i can say hey i compete wif de cruz b4! although he finished the race like 42 seconds ahead of us, tat's like more than 200m HAHA imba shits. bt we were quite relak lar, din even warm up or do anything. not like the positions would hav changed but the timing could've been better.but nvm, haha 1st time in my 17 years and 4 months tat i'm taking part in sports day.
cant remember how i spent the weekend two weeks ago. guess it was jus slacking in the hostel..oh and kai li ivie alex and zhan liang finished 2nd in volar! damn imba. haha argh i really wish i have there werent enough sounds so fun lar.
din go for steeplechase on monday cos no point goin haha got more than 8 faster runners than me, so i might as well dun run.calvin din go too cos his dad had some medical appointment,luckily he din nid to go for any operation.phew.
oh i watched man utd vs chelsea on 26th at ECP! wif the m'sians the food court was super crowded luckily we managed to get ourselves a table. bt man utd lost, thx to the stupid referee tat i mentioned 2 weeks ago. LOL. nvm man utd is goin to win the title anyway.
oh and pei ying's jap fren came to join our class for 3 days, from tuesday to friday, bt thursday was labour day. so yep 3 days. she is like damn tall,172 cm!haha din talk to her at all cos i only know like 1 or 2 jap word, so pei ying was the translator all the time. and we did learn a few other words like 'wa-ru-i' lol.
last week was pretty slack. wednesday sports day thursday labour day.
ran wif darryl after school on monday. first time in months,and i had to stop after 5k,was having stitch and my fitness really drop a lot =( sry darryl.
went bak to school and watched the match against MI, MI's no 10 is freaking good. and the match was pretty exciting, vj won 2-1 in the end i think.
tuesday. went to parkway to buy cake and stuff, wanted to buy present one, bt din noe wat to buy and couldnt find anyone to din buy anything in the end. =(
sports day!!!it was super exciting cos we were taking part in inter-sports cca 4x100m relay. haha was super nervous, first time so excited for a sports event, i wasnt even tat high when man utd play barca lol. haha so we gathered and sat near the finishing line. and it was mad cheering and screaming. and the guys won!!!!!!!it was super exciting. haha ben managed to overtake the floorball guy at the finishing line.really super imba. great job sufiyan wyemin jason and ben!!!we really din expect to get first though the team certainly hav the potential. haha and we really screamed and celebrated like free. bt ben fell two times!! once for phoenix 4x100m and the other one after he finished the inter-cca.ouch.
oh and it was ivie's birthday! and syazana's on labour day and shi han's 2 days after tat. so we celebrated ivie's and syaz's on wednesday morning.
went to watch ironman wif class after sportsday.sadly we missed mass dance =( was in a mad rush for the movie. in the end we took cab. sufiyan and his classmates were thr too! it was a cool movie, the effects and stuff, especially the part when he wears the suit on, imba cool. haha pretty good. and i finally joined 07s47 for a class outing! yay! we went to eat tau huay after tat. and i broke curfew. haha
friday was fun!captain's ball in the afternoon. oh went to parkway wif class before tat cos tat was the last day haruka will be wif the class. so we went to swensen's to write the msges for her. left wif xianglin first for cca. played captain's ball for pt. fun. we are really doing pretty well i think. hee the girls too. improved damn a lot.keep it up ppl! and we will bring bak 2 trophies in june!
had napfa in the morning. was only satisfied at my 2.4 and chin ups. quite a pity couldnt run below 10 mins bt neh mind, personal best edi, hehe. bt the other items were pretty bad. argh dissapointed.
captain's ball ended early tat day due to dance concert lol. we were like at the bak of the queue so ended up at upper gallery. bt the concert was great. really damn good. and it was almost a perfect show for the crew. haha the lights were really good. bt it was done by a professional. lol.
the dance items were really great. and the teachers' dance was damn funny haha.
had to stay outside PT until 10.30 after tat cos they were doing a prank on shi han. haha so she really believed tat only a handful of ppl goin her hse for stayover the 1st grp went out and took 76 to her hse while they were supposed to be on their way home haha. and we were draggin time in the room. apparently they even pakat shi han's parents and brother haha damn imba.
so the 6 of us took shi han's dad's car. the ride was hmm..kena bullied by the girls, and alex soh.argh.
reached her hse then we were like planning how to get her to the tennis court whr the rest will be at lol. in the end jolene came out wif some the cat and the witch game HAHA and shi han actually believed it! haha so we went to the swimming pool, and we blindfolded her and brought her to the tennis court place.she was really surprised when we took off the towel and seeing everyone thr was a great success 'chased' bak by the guard cos got ppl complain. then denise had to leave..
some of them started cooking after getting bak while some of us started to eat the food we brought. haha i was a free rider tat day. and we were really high lol doing stupid stuff.the mah jiong gang went to play mahjiong in shi han's room after tat while the rest watched pokemon the movie brought by zhan liang haha. i survived until halfway through disc 2 lol. and slept until 8+, woke up a few times cos my position was kinda weird haha.
stoned a while, we waited for the rest to wake up,wyemin and calvin left soon after.watched random shows like power ranger on the tv.then breakfast! walked to the foodcourt nearby. had kway chap. then we went bak to her hse.darryl left after paking breakfast.
went bak and played x-box wif the guys. while the girls went to shi han's room to talk.took 76 wif zhan liang kaili and jason. it was a super long ride. went bak to school to take a tent for mr seet. bathed then knocked out until dinner time.
went to watch soccer wif aravind and andy. man utd won 4-1. first half was good, all the goals were damn nice. bt 2nd half was quite boring..
sunday was spent in the hostel.i think i did nth..
had junior senior dinner on monday.and it was story-telling time by calvin.
wednesday..pon-ed econs symposium and went to watch soccer wif the odacers and chin hao and jt.vj won 3-0! haha good match, kuan ren is really damn zai, and the no.7 i think her name is pei qi or sth..
we were really damn high during the i think we really nid to control ourselves sometimes..not nice ar.
went bak and played captain's ball. it ended really late like 8+. so came bak and had instant noodles for dinner..
chem test on thursday..haiz. it was really bad..spent the afternoon in odac room doing crap stuff lol scribbe scribble.
friday. played floorball for pe. played damn badly argh. and i better start doing tutorials i'm super duper lost now damn jialat.freak.
went to watch van play tennis, lol she won in 19 mins.damn imba.wanted to go to watch vj vs mj bt it was at jurong.din go in the end and went for pt.
the weather is really freaking hot these few days. nt for today though, haha it's damn windy and pretty cold today.
so we played in the hall cos it was hotter than oven out thr. played for pretty long until we shifted to basketball court. played a while more then i came off and rest. bathed and went to CO concert after tat. the concert was good. and i sat at upper gallery again haha.i think it's the same row as dance concert ehs.
got sufiyan's ipod and i spent the whole night transferring sikkim photos into my com. and i spent like 3 hours looking at the photos. it really brought bak a lot of memories. how i miss the trip..and the file is like 10GB. more than 2000 photos i think. yep so i slept at 4am+ cos of photos like these:
tat's me and wan ping! hello climbing partner!hehe
k tat's all for today lol
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