Sunday, July 15, 2007

Can sumone tell me why do i hav to share a room with 2 fuking irresposible PRC?
why do i hav to endure their smell,their dirtiness,their litters everywhere,and all the cockroaches that they attract?
why do i hav to help them flush?why do i hav to wash the toilet that they dirtied?why do i hav to wash off their faeces and urine on the toilet bowl?why do i hav to scrub the dried faeces off the toilet bowl?why do i hav to scrub all the dirts on the floor and the wall all by myself?
why dont they jus fuking go bak to china if they cant even fuking take care of themselves and be more considerate and responsible?why dun jus go bak to the fuking place that produced such fuking assholes??
every morning when i wake up and use the toilet, i hav to avoid cockroaches and the smell that comes from their urine and then go out and bring in my slippers to kill the cockroaches...
WAT THE FUCK?????????????????


AndrewC said...

Create a video called Wo Men Shi Zhong Guo Ren Zha. I help you

Anonymous said...

relaks lah...
try ask the management to help
don't make overt remarks
blaming others is placing ur life in control of others hands